Tooth Extraction

If your tooth is decayed or broken and cannot be fixed with a filling or crown, our dentist may opt to extract it as a final resort. When your tooth cannot be restored, tooth extraction may be your best alternative. However, during your consultation with our team at Zenith Smiles, our dentist will go through your options with you. In any case, extractions should only be done once all other treatment options have been explored. But there are times when even a healthy, strong tooth has to be removed, especially if it risks the health of the adjacent ones, for instance, in the case of an overcrowded mouth.


Adult teeth are extracted to address concerns such as dental decay, infection, or crowding. The intent of our dentist is to remove the entire tooth, including the root, from its socket in the gums. This operation is usually done in our office while you are under localized or general anesthesia and is typically painless and well-tolerated.


You will make an appointment with our dentist or an oral surgeon to have a tooth extracted. During the process, the dentist will inject you with a local anesthetic to numb the region and keep you pain-free, but you will be aware of your surroundings. If your child is having a tooth extracted, or if you have many teeth removed, general anesthesia may be used. This implies that the patient will sleep throughout the process. Our dentist utilizes an elevator to wobble the tooth until it is loose to allow a straightforward extraction. The dentist will then pull it out swiftly but gently.


There are numerous reasons for a tooth removal. Tooth extraction is the best option if the damage to a tooth is too severe and cannot be repaired with alternative therapies. Gum disease, tooth decay, or injury can wreak havoc on oral health to the point that one or more teeth must be removed. Moreover, a healthy tooth may require extraction as part of an orthodontic or oral surgery treatment plan.


Our dental specialist will clean the empty socket as soon as the tooth is extracted, ensuring that no tissue or bone pieces remain. The dentist may apply pressure to the sides of the socket to stop bleeding and maintain the proper form of the jawbone. If sutures are required, our dentist will insert them into your gums at this time. Stitches are common after a surgical incision and occasionally after a routine extraction. Dentists frequently employ a self-dissolving substance that breaks down after a week or so on its own. Finally, you will be handed a folded gauze piece to bite on. This absorbs any blood on the extraction site and puts pressure on it. Also, you might use an ice pack to help reduce swelling. Follow any directions our dentist provides you carefully since they will speed up your recovery.


Tooth extraction is not painful because our team numbs the site during the treatment to alleviate pain. In addition, dentists frequently offer over-the-counter or prescription pain medication to assist you in managing the discomfort after the treatment. Furthermore, depending on your degree of comfort and the anticipated difficulty of your extraction, our tooth extraction specialists may employ one or more forms of anesthesia.

If you think you might need a dental extraction, visit our dental team at Zenith Smiles. Contact us at (714) 838-0790 to book an appointment.

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