Root Canal

A root canal treatment involves a series of specialty procedures required to treat problems within the soft pulp tissue in a tooth. A root canal treatment is a choice when the pulp tissue is infected or damaged. Some people may mistakenly think that it is a painful dental procedure, but our dentist at Zenith Smiles can tell you that it is normally no worse than receiving a tooth filling.


A root canal treatment is needed when you develop an infection or inflammation in the pulp tissue. When we talk of the pulp tissue, it means the soft tissue inside the tooth. Pulp tissue has blood arteries, nerve cells, as well as connective tissue. Any malfunction in this soft tissue can cause extreme pain. While the discomfort is likely to subside over time or it fades away for a short period, the infection continues to attack the tooth if no treatment is offered. You may risk developing a dental abscess or in some cases, systemic issues within other areas of the body.


A root canal therapy also referred to as endodontic treatment, can help save you from days or weeks of unnecessary pain. It also prevents the need to have a tooth extraction. Our dental specialists know too well that it is always best to try saving a natural tooth than waiting to replace it later after it is completely damaged. Your natural tooth aids with chewing and maintaining a correct bite. It also improves your appearance.


Root canal therapy involves access to the center of a tooth in order to remove the damaged or infected pulp tissue. Our dentist anesthetizes the tooth before accessing the pulp chamber. The dentist then removes the damaged or infected nerve along with the tissue. The dentist then irrigates the canals using an antibacterial solution. The dentist may place medication inside the dental canals to further destroy any remaining bacteria.

You require a single visit for the root canal procedure to be completed. The dentist fills the cleaned canals and seals the hole with gutta-percha, a type of filling material. Typically, you will come back for a crown placement several weeks later. But you will have a temporary filling placed in the tooth to protect it in the meanwhile.


Once you receive a root canal treatment, the tooth may feel sensitive. It is also tender to pressure, especially in the first couple of days. However, the medication we prescribe you can take care of that. In the event that the after-treatment symptoms persist, you should contact us immediately. Remember that you can prevent root canal procedures by ensuring routine dental cleanings and exams. Our team can diagnose small cavities then fill them before they enlarge and start compromising the nerves in the pulp region.

Get more information about root canal treatment. Visit us at Zenith Smiles for an assessment and exam or call (714) 838-0790 to set up your appointment.

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